Thursday, February 19, 2009

My name buddy from another site, Special Kay, wrote a blog a couple of days ago about her grandmother catching a chipmunk in a Doritos bag. If you haven't read it, well you need to skedaddle on over there and read it because it's hilarious. (Go to my blog links, click on my other blog Pearls of Wisdom and Foolish Mutterings and when you get there, you'll find her blog listed on the left side under blog links.)

The other reason I mention it is because it reminded me of something that happened at our house once that I still laugh about. So, of course I have to tell you about it. It was summer time, and all of the kids were home. This was when they were all much younger. We had a gorgeous Russian Blue cat name Skitty who was the most laid-back cat you ever saw. When anyone sat down for any length of time, Skitty would jump up in your lap and before long, he would literally drape himself around your neck. He would sit right on your chest and curl his back and front legs (I almost said legs and arms!) around your neck. I always said he made himself into a fur cat. Get it? A fur CAT. Well, I thought it was hilarious. Anyway, since he was so laid back, I decided to have a little fun with him. I got a WalMart bag (those things have a million uses, believe me. Just wait, you'll see,) and I put him in the bag and he just layed in there all calm and let me carry him around in there. It was really cool. No, really, it was.

My youngest daughter, Kristen, was in the bathroom during all this fun and frivolity so she hadn't seen Skitty in the bag. My boys and my oldest daughter and I were yucking it up and all of a sudden, I heard Kristen coming out of the bathroom. So I speedy-quick shushed everyone up and whispered to them, "Watch this." When Kristen came out of the bathroom, I walked over to her and gave her the bag, saying, "Kristen, I got you something at WalMart." She took the bag and somehow in the exchange, Skitty got a little riled up and started squirming around in the bag just about the time that Kristen got a good grip on it. Her eyes got huge and she held that bag out from her body like she wasn't sure if she had seen (or felt) what she thought she did. She was just staring at it, when all of a sudden, Skitty decided he'd had enough of the bag. He started squirming around for real, Kristen screamed like a wet cat (kind of appropriate, I thought) and dropped the bag. Did you know that even when cats are in a WalMart bag, if you drop them, they still land on their feet? Well, they do. I was laughing hysterically,along with the other three kids. In fact, I was so caught up in laughing that I almost didn't see Kristen coming after me with murder in her eyes. Luckily, I snapped before she got to me and made good with my escape. I kind of had to hide out the rest of the day from Kristen, but she eventually forgave me, even if she never found it as freakin' funny as I did. It's still a favorite family story to tell at family gatherings.

That brings me to one more cat story. We had a part Siamese, part I-don't-even-know-what-but-he-was-very-fluffy cat named Solomon for many years. We got him when the kids were all little, so he was ...err...uh...he was used to being a prank cat. Unfortunately, I wasn't home for this caper, but I can still tell it like I was there. I don't know who got the idea, but someone decided it would be a good idea to put a strapless bra on the cat. Obviously, they had to wrap it around a couple of times to hook it. I mean, he was fluffy, but he wasn't that fluffy. Needless to say, Solomon did not like wearing a strapless bra. He went tearing around the house trying to get that thing off of him. The kids were chasing him, trying to catch him and get the bra off, but he was pretty wily. Someone opened the front door - I can't say why. Maybe they were afraid of getting clawed or something. But Solomon shot out that door for all he was worth and he didn't come back until much later that day. Without the bra. Maybe his cat friends helped him get it off or maybe he rolled around in the field until it came off, but he escaped from it somehow. It was my oldest daughter's bra and I can tell you she was not happy that Solomon lost her bra.

We don't have any cats now. The cat union probably put the word out about us or something. But man, cats can be a lot of fun.


Anonymous said...

I have to admit it was my idea to put the bra on Soloman cause Brandon and Brian had shown up and I wanted to embarass Bree.......I didn't quite forsee him shooting out the door when Brian came in.....But oh the look of HORROR on Bree's face..........IT WAS SO WORTH IT!!!!

P.s. I still loath you for the Skitty prank!

Kimberly Kay said...

Kristen - don't loathe me because I have a wicked sense of humor.

Bree said...

Obviously, the Skitty prank was pay back for the strapless bra incident!!!

Guess it pays to be the favorite, huh????

love you!