Saturday, February 28, 2009

Mardi Gras in Houma, LA

I never had a desire to attend Mardi Gras - it always looked a little too out of control to me. I'm all for having a good time, but I'm not into wall-to-wall people, and I've watched too many Cops-Mardi Gras episodes to ever be comfortable putting myself in that situation. So, when Hubby's boss invited us to join him in Houma for Mardi Gras, I had my reservations. But, new boss, first invite, it would have been rude and probably not too wise to decline. So, off we went.

I'm happy to report that Houma's Mardi Gras celebration (which I'm told is the 2nd largest one in the nation; New Orleans being the 1st, of course) was a very pleasant surprise. No crazy, drunk, screaming crowds; it was just as we'd been told - very family-oriented and loads of fun. I would gladly attend this one again. Oh, and it's true - it is a whole other world over there in Louisiana. I liked it. And I could sit and listen to those Cajuns talk all day long.
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