I have been having a running dialogue with a buddy of mine on another blog site. I've been sending him all the "Texanisms" I can come up with concerning folks of a certain ilk. (Excuse me for a moment while I go off on a tagent... Don't you just love that word ilk? If you've been paying attention - otherwise known as 'hanging on my every word', you'll have noticed that I've become fond of using that word lately. It's a great word. Become friends with it. Buddy up to it. You'll be glad you did. But I digress.)
Now back to the subject at hand:"Texanisms" describing folk of a certain ilk. I've sent my friend jewels like these:
- He's three bricks short of a load.
- Her bread's not baked in the middle.
- He's about a half-bubble off plumb.
And the one that started it all:
- His cheese done slipped off the cracker.
You'll surely be happy to know that after extensive research - and when I say "extensive research, I mean I stumbled upon a book called Redneck Words of Wisdom in a gift store in Austin yesterday, for which I paid the paltry sum of $12.95 + tax - I have discovered additional colloquialisms to impart to y'all.
Now, I know there may be those of you out there in other Southern states who would like to lay claim to some of these colorful sayings. But, to you I say, NAY. What I am about to relate to you will be known as "Texanisms." Here are my reasons, which I am sure you will find to be of great merit.
- This is my blog.
- I bought the book.
- Because I said so.
Any questions? No? I didn't think so. Let's proceed, shall we?
In the "Folks of a Certain Ilk" category:
- She's a taco short of a combination plate.
- He's a few fries short of a Happy Meal.
- She's a few sandwiches short of a picnic.
Now, for my own personal favorites. These are all straight from my grandparents' mouths, so they aren't just Texanisms, they're Panhandle Texanisms!
- You'd better shut your mouth or I'll slap you into the middle of next week.
- She'll talk your head off and then holler own the hole.
- Don't make me whup you like a red-headed stepchild.
- You lie like a cheap rug.
- Don't let your alligator mouth get ahead of your hummingbird ass.
- I guess she told you how the cow ate the cabbage!
Well, that was fun. Now, I think I'll make like a baby and head out.
Nothing is any cuter than listening to two Texans banter.
Ok except for a Mississippian trying to talk to a Northerner. :-)
How about these two "Yankee" ones?
Your mouth is writing checks your butt {insert other expletive} can't cash.
I hope to kiss a pig you do.
OMG this was a funny entry. I had actually heard some of these, since my daddy is a Texan.
So what is this about a website...I don't even want to get hooked on scrapbooking ...but I will admire yours!
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